
Turmeric And Honey Face Mask

Who doesn’t want a clear and glowing skin? Years on end we certainly dedicate most of the time for skin care.
And I know how hard it is to protect the skin every time we head out due to environmental pollution. Unknowingly, the pollution, dirt and bacteria in the air can cause harm to our skin. They can sprout up acne, wrinkles, pigmentation and many skin problems.
So, there has to be a solution to every problem. And for this problem, you can get hands on the most divine ingredient which is Honey.
Keep reading to find out the benefits of this incredible ingredient “honey”. Also, check out the honey face mask and face packs to get rid of all skin problems.
Turmeric And Honey Face Mask

The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric will target your pores and calm the inflammation caused by acne. Tumeric is popularly used for alleviating acne scarring and acne breakouts. So, the combination of honey and turmeric will clean the skin pores which are clogged with dirt, bacteria and dead skin. Thereby, you can no more notice any skin issues.

  • 1 Tbsp Honey
  • Pinch of Turmeric


  1. Mix a pinch of turmeric powder with a tablespoon of honey.
  2. Apply the mixture on acne affected area and leave it on for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Later, rinse off with lukewarm water.
  4. Don’t add too much turmeric to the mix as it may stain your skin.

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